How To Backup Files to Amazon Web Service S3

This step-by-step guide will help you store your files in the cloud using Amazon Web Services S3. We will go through how to create a bucket, upload a file, retrieve a file and delete a file. Everything done in this tutorial is tried successfully and to make a successful result please follow the below steps.

1. Open Amazon consoleS3 then under Storage & Content Delivery, and double click to open the dashboard.

2. On the S3 Dashboard, click “Create Bucket”, and give it a name, and make sure that you select the right region and then click “Create”.

3. To upload a file select the bucket that you just created and then click on Upload.

4. Click “Add Files” and choose the file that you want to upload, then click “Start Upload” to begin the upload process of the file.

5. You will see the upload process on the right side of the page, just like the below screenshot.

6. To retrieve a file, check the box next to the file that you want to download and then click “Actions” and “Download”.

7. Follow the instructions that will pop up on your screen and do a right click on the download link and choose “Save Link As..”.

8. To delete a file check the file that you want to delete, and click on “Actions” and from the drop-down menu select “Delete” and click “OK” to confirm that you want to delete the selected file.


After this tutorial, You should have learned how to back up your first file to the cloud. AWS S3 is designed for 99.9% durability to help ensure that your data is always available when you want it. You’ve also learned how to retrieve your backed up file and how to delete them if you no longer want to store it, for any inquiry regarding this tutorial please comment with it below and i will try to reply you ASAP.


I started this tech blog back in 2011 as a place to write down processes I took to fix my client systems and network. Now I write some tips and tricks to help others with the tech issues that one might encounter.

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