How to Disable the Snap feature in Windows 8.1

The snap feature allows you to easily drag a window to the side of the screen and automatically snaps it on the side of it, the same applies if you drag the page to the top of the screen.

This could be annoying sometimes if you are trying to to move Windows around your desktop.


Right-click on the desktop and click Personalize from the menu.


Click on Ease of Access Center link on the bottom left of this Window.


Click on Make the keyboard easier to use Under Explore all settings.


Under Make it easier to manage windows, check mark Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen. Click Apply


Video Tutorial:


I started this tech blog back in 2011 as a place to write down processes I took to fix my client systems and network. Now I write some tips and tricks to help others with the tech issues that one might encounter.

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