How to Switch to Desktop Mode on Safari

Everybody surfs the internet often. We are often searching for the meaning of a word or simply trying to purchase a product or service. Sometimes, we are carrying out research for a project. Whatever the case, everyone appreciates user-friendly websites with impressive designs.

However, not all websites can offer a good UI design, making surfing difficult for users. If you encounter a site that isn’t easy to navigate on your iPhone or iPad, the desktop mode may be handy. You may also need the desktop mode if you can’t access certain features through the mobile site.

Here, we will show you how to activate desktop mode temporarily and permanently.

How To Activate Desktop Mode For A Site Temporarily

First, open the Safari App.

Then, go to your preferred site – type the site address into the search bar and tap Go.


Next, tap the Aa icon on the lower left side of the screen – on the end search bar. Then, select “Request Desktop Site.” Afterward, the site view will change.

You can revert this by tapping the Aa icon and selecting “Request mobile site.

Note: Any other links on this tab will also open in desktop mode.

How To Activate Desktop Mode For A Website Permanently

First, open Safari.

Then, tap the + icon at the lower-left corner of your screen to open a new tab. Next, type the website address into the search bar and search – to open the website.

Once launched, tap the Aa icon and select “Website settings.

Then, toggle the “Request Desktop Website” switch to activate.

Next, tap Done to complete.

Now anytime you open this site, it’d be in desktop mode.

How To Activate Desktop Mode For All Websites On Safari

If you do this, all websites you open on Safari will automatically be opened in desktop mode.

First, navigate your screen and launch the Settings App.

Then, scroll down and select Safari.

Next, tap “Request Desktop Website” under “SETTINGS FOR WEBSITES.”

Then, toggle the “All Websites” switch to activate.

And, that’s all to it.

Note: Some websites maintain their mobile display even after activating the desktop mode.

This is because websites differ in layouts. For instance, websites with responsive layouts adjust the website view based on the screen’s resolution.

Ori Otokpa

Ori is a medicine major, realtor, and content writer with over 5+ years of working experience. Through years of in-depth tech research and writing she has garnered sufficient knowledge to teach and help people find their way around tech. Ori’s goals are to broaden her expertise, travel the world, and go on as many adventures as possible.

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