Install BASH Command Line tool Windows 10

The most updated version of Windows 10 now enables you to have a Linux command line” BASH “, Linux user can enter the Windows world now easily you can run the commands that you are more familiar with to move between the file system, create a directory, move some files and edit them using Nano editor.

This tutorial will explain how you can install and start using BASH command-line tool on Windows 10, so follow our tutorial step by step to get a successful result.

Install BASH

1. Make sure that your system is running under 64 Bit, you can check that from your system properties by do a right click on “This PC”.

2. After making sure that you are running 64 bit, Turn on Developer Mode, by click on “Settings” then “Windows update and security”.

3. Go to “Control Panel” to turn on “Windows Subsystem For Linux”.

4. After the package is installed, it will require rebooting your computer.

5. After you reboot your computer, Open Windows power shell, and make sure that you are running it under administrator privilege.

6. Run the below command on “PowerShell”, to enable Linux Bash.

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

7. After you run the above command successfully without any issues, Enter the following command and a message will appear that “Ubuntu” will be installed on Windows, Type “Y” and hit Enter to continue.

8. After the download is complete, It will require entering username and password.

9. Now you have successfully installed Ubuntu version on your windows and can communicate with your windows file structure.

10. Run “Bash” on your command line.

11. You will also notice that Ubuntu icon appeared on your start menu.


After this tutorial, you should be able to know how you can install and run “Bash” on your windows, for any inquiry related to this tutorial please comment with it below, and one of “AvoidErrors” team will try to reply you ASAP, now it’s Time to enjoy with Bash.


I started this tech blog back in 2011 as a place to write down processes I took to fix my client systems and network. Now I write some tips and tricks to help others with the tech issues that one might encounter.

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