Quickly Clear the Clipboard History in Windows 11

The Clipboard history works over the cloud and can be synced between your other devices. The Clipboard History component in Windows 11 enhances the standard Clipboard functionality.

Anything copied to the clipboard in Windows 11 is saved in the system RAM. Clipboard information will be deleted once the system shuts down.

This article will show you how to clear the clipboard history quickly.

Clear clipboard from Settings

Press Windows + I to open Windows Settings.

Click on System and select Clipboard.

Click on Clear button beside the Clear clipped data.

Delete Clipboard with command

Press Windows + R to open Run.

Enter the following command:

cmd /c echo.|clip

As soon as you press OK your clipboard should be cleared.

Clear clipboard in-app

Press Windows + V to open Clipboard.

Click on Clear all.


Commerce major. My training enabled me to fully use the various Microsoft Applications while also allowing to work around problems. I spent my high school years working as a campus writer and researcher, as I get older, I want to broaden my horizons and live life to the fullest.

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