How to Run Troubleshooter in Windows 11 to Fix PC Problems

If you are a Windows 11 user, you might have already learned that there are numerous issues in the operating system as it is evolving. It’s pretty normal for Windows 11 users to face problems such as Start Menu not working, internet connectivity issues, drive incompatibility problems, and more.

If you are facing any specific issue on Windows 11 and looking for ways to fix it, you are at the right place. In this article, I will explain how you can run a Troubleshooter in Windows 11 to resolve various issues.

Manage Troubleshoot Settings

If you like Microsoft to recommend and run troubleshooters automatically on your Windows 11 PC to fix issues, you’ll need to configure the Troubleshooter preference. Here’s how you can do it.

First, click Windows Start Menu and search for Settings.

Once you get to the Windows Settings, click System, then on the right, select the “Troubleshoot” option.

Click on the drop-down menu right next to the “Recommended troubleshooter preference” setting and select your desired option.

Manually Run Troubleshoot on Windows 11

If you want to fix specific issues on your Windows 11 PC, you need to run a troubleshooter related to the issue manually.

To do so, all you need is to go to the Windows Settings > System. Scroll down a bit and select the Troubleshoot option.

Once you get there, click the other troubleshooters.

Depending on the issue you are facing, click on the Run next to the matching troubleshooter type you want to fix the problem with.

This will start the troubleshooting wizard. That wizard will help you fix things.

That’s it! You are all set. Now you just need to follow the instructions provided to fix the normal issues you come across.

Muhammad Imran Habib

Imran is a technology evangelist with 8 years of experience working with some of the Industry leading companies. Imran's expertise includes On-Prem/Virtual Infrastructure deployments, IT Solutions for SMEs, End User Computing Support.

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